About the initiative
In July 2018, a committed group of 10 partners launched the Inclusive Data Charter (IDC) during the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. Facilitated by the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, the vision and principles were developed by a task team of representatives from governments (across four continents), UN Agencies, and civil society organizations.
The Inclusive Data Charter's aim is to advance the availability and use of inclusive and disaggregated data so that governments and organizations better understand, address, and monitor the needs of marginalized people, and ensure no one is left behind. Our goal by 2030 is to have more specific data that helps allocate resources effectively for those who need them most.
Momentum for inclusive data
Since 2018, the IDC has tripled in size, garnered commitments from more than 30 diverse Champions, and supported them in accelerating and deepening progress.
Inclusive Data Charter Champions produce action plans to describe the concrete steps they will take to realize the vision and principles of the IDC.
Explore these resources to learn more:
Become an IDC Champion!
If you represent a National Statistics Office, Minister or Government, civil society, international organization, academia, or other sector looking to join the Inclusive Data Charter and would like to find out more, please contact Tichafara Chisaka, IDC Program Manager, tchisaka@sightsavers.org, and Karen Bett, Senior Policy Manager, kbett@data4sdgs.org.
What IDC Champions say
Once you lift the rock and you have the data and the evidence, then you know what the scale of the problem is. The IDC has enabled those kinds of ‘lifting-the-rock moments’ in a really positive sense.
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
The IDC has been a catalyst for IDMC’s work to advance inclusive and disaggregated data on internally displaced people, inspiring us to take stock of data gaps in order to provide an inclusive, more precise, and comprehensive picture of internal displacement.
The advantages of principles-led frameworks, like the IDC, is that they provide a northstar that can be adapted to a large number of contexts.
Explore our latest progress report to check out the achievements of the IDC Champions, and learn more with the resources below.
Inclusive Data Charter FAQs

Unpacking Intersectional Approaches to Data

Four Years of the Inclusive Data Charter
Abordar el problema de la desigualdad en Colombia a través de un enfoque interseccional de los datos

Supporting Girls' Education in Sierra Leone Through Inclusive Data Systems
Inclusive Data Charter One Year On: 2019 Monitoring Reports

An Unequal Pandemic: Insights from Communities and Civil Society

How the inclusive data landscape has evolved: Key insights & learnings from the Inclusive Data Charter

Inclusive Data Charter: Two Years On

Three Years of the Inclusive Data Charter
Tackling inequality in Colombia through an intersectional approach to data

Inclusive Design Principles

5 P's to build and sustain political will on inclusive data
News and Updates

Breaking barriers: CBM Global launch its 2024-2026 Inclusive Data Charter action plan

Localizing inclusive data: Lessons from Sightsavers' work in Cameroon

Reflecting on five years of the Inclusive Data Charter

Reducing gender inequalities using data: Fundacion WWB Colombia launches IDC Action Plan

Faire progresser ensemble le développement durable : Plan d'action pour la Charte des données inclusives du Sénégal

Advancing sustainable development together: Senegal's Inclusive Data Charter Action Plan

Unlocking the power of data: The Global Partnership's highlights from 2023

How data-driven approaches are advancing efforts to end gender-based violence in Zanzibar

Data and persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific: Lessons learned

Why disability data matters and the action we need

How can data drive equality for persons with disabilities?

Including internally displaced persons with disabilities in humanitarian data

Data and the Global Disability Summit: Ensuring commitments lead to change

Colombia’s journey to produce disability statistics

All children count: Fostering inclusion through data

La Société Civile mobilise l'Action du Gouvernement sur les données inclusives au Sénégal

Data on disability and migration – what do we know?

Civil society advocacy mobilizes government action on inclusive data in Senegal

Kenya commits to ambitious action on disability data through new IDC action plan

Investing in tomorrow: Inclusive data for better education in Sierra Leone

Five tips to promote data inclusivity

New collaborative launches to uncover pandemic impact on marginalized people

What we’ve learned about inclusive data

The questions we all should be asking on intersectionality and data

Avance de la inclusión y la igualdad en Colombia: una nueva GuÃa estadÃstica

Advancing inclusion and equality in Colombia: A new statistical guide

Homeless people are overlooked and undercounted—change is overdue

Bridging the gender gap in Zanzibar this African Statistics Day

Five ways to end the invisibility of marginalized people in data

Street-connected children and COVID-19: When invisibility in data means going hungry

From inclusive data to inclusive policy: Reflections from Kenya, Peru, and Senegal

Celebrating the Inclusive Data Charter’s second birthday

Uncounted deaths could obscure COVID-19’s gendered impacts

One-size-fits-all approach not enough for internally displaced children: Surprising data from Somalia illustrates why

COVID-19 is hitting the poorest the hardest, but inclusive data can help protect them

Twice invisible: Accounting for internally displaced children’s needs

Happy birthday to the Inclusive Data Charter

Making data count for internally displaced people: Five questions with the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre

How the Inclusive Data Charter is being used to improve the availability and use of disaggregated data

Inclusive Data Charter Launch

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection - State Department for Social Protection and Senior Citizen Affairs

UN Women - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre

INEI - National Institute of Statistics and Information of Peru

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office - United Kingdom

Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education of Sierra Leone

CBM Global

DANE - National Administrative Department of Statistics of Colombia

UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund

Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre

Philippine Statistics Authority


Ghana Statistical Service

UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund


HelpAge International

World Bank Group

Office for National Statistics - United Kingdom

Consortium for Street Children