Latest media coverage
Botswana confronts challenges head-on in transition to digital data collection and management
The World Bank highlighted progress being made in Botswana, through the Power of Data initiative, to modernize its data collection and management processes, and to strengthen data exchange across its National Statistical System (NSS).
Tackling FGM in Ghana: The role of inclusive data and policy
Victor Ohuruogu, the Global Partnership, and Ernest Nyarko, Principal Statistician, Ghana Statistical Service, write for the SDG Knowledge Hub on the use citizen data alongside national statistics to help bridge key data gaps and provide more precise and timely information on Female Gential Mutilation (FMG) in Ghana, particularly in remote regions.
From policy to practice - Building national data infrastructures through a bottom-up approach
This blog from The Commonwealth explores effective approaches to data management and the necessity of a bottom-up approach to harness global data investments and build robust national data infrastructures. They write that initiatives, such as the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, are vital for developing country-level data coordination frameworks
New partners joining the network
We are delighted to announce two new partnerships in the second quarter of 2024.
Data Science Nigeria
Data Science Nigeria (DSN) is Sub-Saharan Africa’s leading Artificial Intelligence technology nonprofit building Africa’s AI talents ecosystem and developing high-impact solutions for governance, education, health, retail, and finance.
Focus 2030
Focus 2030 is a Paris-based non-profit organization promoting the achievement of the SDGs by 2030 through adopting data-driven public policies to tackle global challenges with a particular focus on poverty, development finance, global health, gender equality and climate change.