Consortium for Street Children (CSC) is an international children’s charity fighting for the rights of street children worldwide. They are a global alliance raising the voices of street children at international level.
For CSC, striving for inclusive data means not only collecting and using data disaggregated by (at a minimum) sex and age, but also ensuring that hidden population groups – such as street children – are included in the data that informs policies around the world.
Street children are excluded from data because standard data collection methods such as household surveys are not adapted to the realities of their live. The data that is available on street children is outdated and inaccurate, with biased data continuously reproduced. For street children, being uncounted and invisible means they rarely have access to basic health services and education, and are hardly ever accounted for in social protection systems or prioritized in policy-making processes.
Priorities as an Inclusive Data Charter Champion:
- Ensure development data becomes more inclusive of street children.
- Encourage and build the capacity of network members to collect and use disaggregated data.