The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) is the leading source of information and analysis on internal displacement. IDMC was set up in 1998 at the request of the international community to fill an important knowledge gap on the global scale and patterns of internal displacement. By telling the story of internal displacement, we keep the issue and the plight of internally displaced people high on the global agenda.
We provide credible and timely data on all situations of internal displacement worldwide. We interpret the global data with research into the drivers, patterns, and impacts of internal displacement across different countries. We translate this evidence into targeted advice and support to inform global, regional and national policy-making.
IDMC’s Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the official repository of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's GRID discusses the relationship between climate change, disasters and displacement, and presents good practices from across the globe in advancing policy, displacement risk reduction and effective response.
- Part 1 – Internal displacement in 2020 presents updated data and analysis of internal displacement at the global level. Data and contextual updates are included in the regional overviews and country spotlights.
- Part 2 – Internal displacement in a changing climate discusses the importance of sound evidence and promising approaches to addressing disaster displacement and reducing the negative impacts of climate change on IDPs.
Priorities as an Inclusive Data Charter Champion:
We are committed to generating data that is inclusive, accessible, disaggregated, and drawn from diverse sources, and contributing to a stronger evidence base to inform policymaking on internal displacement and sustainable development.
- We will extend access to our displacement monitoring platform to more partners, while increasing the amount of data and the number of sources available on it.
- We will collaborate with partners, including UNICEF, to improve our understanding of the needs and vulnerabilities of internally displaced children, youth and women.
- Where we do primary data collection and in our other qualitative empirical research, we commit to disaggregating our data, and situating our findings within broader conversations on sustainable development to highlight the specific needs of particularly vulnerable groups of internally displaced persons, including children, women and older persons.
IDMC's IDC 2019 Monitoring Report.
Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
IDMC's priority is to ensure that internal displacement and internally displaced people are on the agenda of governments and development and humanitarian actors around the world, as agreed in the 2030 Agenda. IDMC fosters innovative data solutions to help monitor internal displacement, support informed policy-making and avoid internally displaced people being left behind in the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) is the leading source of information and analysis on internal displacement. IDMC was set up in 1998 at the request of the international community to fill an important knowledge gap on the global scale and patterns of internal displacement. By telling the story of internal displacement, we keep the issue and the plight of internally displaced people high on the global agenda.
We provide credible and timely data on all situations of internal displacement worldwide. We interpret the global data with research into the drivers, patterns, and impacts of internal displacement across different countries. We translate this evidence into targeted advice and support to inform global, regional and national policy-making.
IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth.
- Part 1 presents updated data and analysis of internal displacement at the global level. Data and contextual updates are included in the regional overviews and country spotlights.
- Part 2 explores the impacts of displacement on children and youth, so often invisible in displacement data, while highlighting promising initiatives that address some of their challenges.
Priorities as an Inclusive Data Charter Champion:
We are committed to generating data that is inclusive, accessible, disaggregated, and drawn from diverse sources, and contributing to a stronger evidence base to inform policymaking on internal displacement and sustainable development.
- We will extend access to our displacement monitoring platform to more partners, while increasing the amount of data and the number of sources available on it.
- We will collaborate with partners, including UNICEF, to improve our understanding of the needs and vulnerabilities of internally displaced children, youth and women.
- Where we do primary data collection and in our other qualitative empirical research, we commit to disaggregating our data, and situating our findings within broader conversations on sustainable development to highlight the specific needs of particularly vulnerable groups of internally displaced persons, including children, women and older persons.
IDMC's IDC 2019 Monitoring Report.
Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
IDMC's priority is to ensure that internal displacement and internally displaced people are on the agenda of governments and development and humanitarian actors around the world, as agreed in the 2030 Agenda. IDMC fosters innovative data solutions to help monitor internal displacement, support informed policy-making and avoid internally displaced people being left behind in the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).