The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data supports country partners at the national and sub-national levels in Kenya to develop and implement whole-of-government, multi-stakeholder data roadmaps for sustainable development.
Kenya hosted the High-Level Meeting on Data for Development in Africa in June 2017, where leaders announced that they will champion the development of an Intergovernmental Network on Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition, that will nurture an inclusive multi-stakeholder ecosystem to boost capacity of small scale farmers to use data to improve productivity, increase youth engagement in agri-business, and strengthen capacities of statistical departments in Ministries of Agriculture by increasing financial allocations and human capacity. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and Kenya’s budding data lab at Strathmore University to provide real-time information on crop types, agricultural insurance, and weather.
There are a number of other data innovation activities currently supporting sustainable development in Kenya. See below for blogs, partner activities, initiatives, and resources related to sustainable development data in Kenya.
Impact stories

Giraffes, satellite data, & a shrinking island

Building Kenya's pandemic resilience with real-time food staples data

Collaborating to integrate citizen-generated data for official reporting on Sustainable Development Goals in Kenya

Equipping Kenya's AI community for fair and ethical sustainable development
Related initiatives

Data Roadmaps

Inclusive Data Charter

Africa Regional Data Cube

Collaborative on Administrative Data

Citizen-Generated Data on Antimicrobial Resistance in Kenya

Scanner Data Capacity Development Program

Strengthening Africa National Statistical Offices’ Data Infrastructure

Power of Data: Unlocking the Data Dividend for the SDGs

Make Inclusive Data the Norm

Citizen Data: At the Center of Addressing Infectious Diseases
Related blog posts
Potholes and Development Goals: A Dispatch from Kenya’s Silicon Savannah
East Africa's open data revolution
Announcing Funding for 10 Development Data Innovation Projects

Les Pays D’afrique Mènent La Révolution Des Données

African Governments Lead the Way on Data Revolution

Data for Development Festival

Data4SDGs High-Level Side Events at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly

Data and Technology for the SDGs: Highlights from UN General Assembly Side Events

More and better financing for data to achieve the SDGs

Reflections and Next Steps for the Global Partnership

New Report Assesses Data Roadmaps for Sustainable Development

Brokering a Solution to Address Country-Level Challenges: The Africa Regional Data Cube

New satellite technology tool transforms ability to manage food security in five African countries

Africa Regional Data Cube Workshop and Launch

Satellite will improve our future

The Africa Regional Data Cube: Harnessing Satellites for SDG Progress

Data to End Hunger: UNGA Side Event

How the agriculture sector is leading the way for investment in data

With creative partnerships, we can harness data to end extreme poverty

Seven data innovation projects win funding to tackle local challenges

Bridging the Gender Data Gap: Data2X's Latest Efforts

Government of Kenya and private sector to collaborate on mobile phone data protection & privacy framework

Opening Remarks ‘Mobile Data for Social Impact’ Regional Forum

Opening Remarks ‘Earth Observations and Geospatial data for Development’

Kenya Space Agency will lead efforts to use earth data to curb drought

GEO-AWS Earth Observation Cloud Credits Programme harnesses big data for decision-makers in developing countries

Holding on to the promise: strengthening administrative data for Agenda 2030

Cumplir con la promesa: fortalecer los datos administrativos para la Agenda 2030

'Ordinary' data can deliver extraordinary boost in life chances say Latin American and African governments

Los datos de 'rutina' pueden brindar un impulso extraordinario en las oportunidades de vida, dicen los gobiernos de América Latina y África

Now more than ever - realizing the full promise of administrative data: highlights from the LAC-Africa Peer Exchange

Ahora más que nunca - haciendo realidad la promesa de los registros administrativos: aspectos destacados del intercambio de experiencias ALC - África

Leading the charge: Using satellite data to find safe rhino habitats

From inclusive data to inclusive policy: Reflections from Kenya, Peru, and Senegal

Power to the people: citizen-generated data will unlock solutions to antimicrobial resistance

Five ways data is bolstering African countries' resilience to the pandemic and other global shocks

Beyond the top 1% of Kenyans and the employed, there are Kenyans who don’t exist.

What we’ve learnt about antimicrobial resistance from engaging communities in Kenya

How people’s everyday experiences are powering the fight against AMR

Five lessons from an NSO: Strengthening citizen-generated data in Kenya

Kenya commits to ambitious action on disability data through new IDC action plan

In digital transformation, the devil is in the data

Equipping Kenya's AI community for fair and ethical sustainable development

Advancing expertise in health data governance: a summary

Data science for health and climate in Africa: Meet the CAN Fellows

Harnessing the power of inclusive data through global cooperation
Related resources
Data Roadmaps for Sustainable Development: Assessment and Lessons Learned
Mobile Data for Social Impact: Summary Report

Agriculture Data Shaping Policy and Changing Lives in Kenya & Tanzania
Ghana-Kenya Peer Learning Exchange on SDG Monitoring: Summary Report
ARDC Lessons Learned One Year Post-Launch
A Study of Africa Regional Data Cube Governance Frameworks and Operationalization
Latin America and the Caribbean-Africa Peer Exchange on Administrative Data
Intercambio de experiencias entre América Latina y el Caribe y África sobre registros administrativos

Joining Up Health Data In Kenya, Uganda, And Zimbabwe
Kenya Health Information Systems Interoperability Framework
Joining-up data for universal healthcare in Kenya: The view from the Ministry of Health

A Damage Assessment Solution of the Desert Locust Surge in Kenya Using AI and Satellite Imagery

Agriculture Data For COVID-19 Response In Kenya: Lessons For Better Financing

Citizen-generated Data in Kenya: A Practical Guide

Three Years of the Inclusive Data Charter

Using Citizen-Generated Data in Kenya: The Power of Public Engagement

People Power: Using Citizen-Generated Data to Address Antimicrobial Resistance in Kenya

Artificial Intelligence Practitioners' Guide: Kenya