The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data supports partners at the national and sub-national levels in Colombia to develop and implement whole-of-government, multi-stakeholder data roadmaps for sustainable development.
In May 2017, the Global Partnership, together with NASA and the Colombian National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE - Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística), co-organized a workshop in Bogota, Colombia ‘Towards Integration of National Statistics and Earth Observations for SDG Monitoring.’
There are a number of other data innovation activities currently supporting sustainable development in Colombia. See below for blogs, partner activities, initiatives, and resources related to sustainable development data in Colombia.
Impact stories
Related initiatives

Leave No One Behind Data Collaborative

Data Roadmaps

Inclusive Data Charter

Collaborative on Administrative Data

Data For Now

Power of Data: Unlocking the Data Dividend for the SDGs

Make Inclusive Data the Norm

LGBTIQ+ data in Latin America and the Caribbean

Citizen Data: At the Center of Addressing Infectious Diseases
Related blog posts
Colombia Welcomes the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data to discuss Data Roadmaps for Sustainable Development
Applying Earth Observation Data to Fill Data Gaps on the SDGs in Colombia

Data for Development Festival

Data4SDGs High-Level Side Events at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly

Data and Technology for the SDGs: Highlights from UN General Assembly Side Events

New Report Assesses Data Roadmaps for Sustainable Development

Harnessing the Potential of Earth Observations for Sustainable Development: Emerging Opportunities

Inclusive Data Charter Launch

10 Governments and Organizations Announce Commitments to Inclusive, Representative Data

GEO-AWS Earth Observation Cloud Credits Programme harnesses big data for decision-makers in developing countries

Cepei and the Global Partnership teamed up to launch the “Data for development in Latin America” Webinar Series

Happy birthday to the Inclusive Data Charter

United Nations Deputy Secretary-General and partners launch effort to increase data for Sustainable Development Goal progress

After the splash: turning ambition into action with #Data4Now

Holding on to the promise: strengthening administrative data for Agenda 2030

Cumplir con la promesa: fortalecer los datos administrativos para la Agenda 2030

'Ordinary' data can deliver extraordinary boost in life chances say Latin American and African governments

Los datos de 'rutina' pueden brindar un impulso extraordinario en las oportunidades de vida, dicen los gobiernos de América Latina y África

What’s next? Making Data for Now a reality

Rooftops and roadmaps: kicking off Data for Now

Data for Now: Oiling the Clockwork

Now more than ever - realizing the full promise of administrative data: highlights from the LAC-Africa Peer Exchange

Ahora más que nunca - haciendo realidad la promesa de los registros administrativos: aspectos destacados del intercambio de experiencias ALC - África

COVID-19 is hitting the poorest the hardest, but inclusive data can help protect them

How Colombia is measuring poverty using non-traditional data sources

Advancing inclusion and equality in Colombia: A new statistical guide

Avance de la inclusión y la igualdad en Colombia: una nueva Guía estadística

Colombia’s journey to produce disability statistics

Participatory data governance: How small changes can lead to greater inclusion

Announcing our three data viz contest finalists

Cartografía abierta para el desarrollo sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe

Open mapping for sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Reducing gender inequalities using data: Fundacion WWB Colombia launches IDC Action Plan

Cartografia aberta para o desenvolvimento sustentável na América Latina e no Caribe

Introducing our new Data Values Advocates

Harnessing the power of inclusive data through global cooperation

Citizen participation in data: How Colombia is shaping the future of inclusive statistics

UN World Data Forum 2024 highlights: The power of data through partnerships

DANE Colombia: Collaboration unlocks data innovation for the SDGs
Related resources
Data Roadmaps for Sustainable Development: Assessment and Lessons Learned
Applying Earth Observation Data to Monitor SDGs in Colombia
Inclusive Data Charter FAQs
Inclusive Data Charter One Year On: 2019 Monitoring Reports
Data for Now: Inception Workshop Summary Report
Latin America and the Caribbean-Africa Peer Exchange on Administrative Data
Intercambio de experiencias entre América Latina y el Caribe y África sobre registros administrativos
Tackling inequality in Colombia through an intersectional approach to data
Abordar el problema de la desigualdad en Colombia a través de un enfoque interseccional de los datos

Gridded population data in the context of the sustainable development goals

Three Years of the Inclusive Data Charter