The Global Partnership blog features commentary from in-house experts, and partners, with thought leadership on pressing issues in data for development. You will also find links to the latest Data Values Digest articles with thought-provoking posts from across the Data Values community on unlocking the value of data for all.
The latest from the Data Values Digest
In Zambia, participation is creating better data
Digest #81| Participatory data processes can stop this disconnect, build trust, and empower communities to play an active role in shaping their future, Jeremiah Mutemwa explains.
How Pakistan is championing inclusive data
Digest #80 | Munazza Gillani looks at how data advocacy is creating impact for the people of Pakistan, and how we can scale this impact to drive progress on other development challenges and in other countries.
In data governance, good policies aren’t enough
Digest #79 | Both under and over governance are hindering development. Tracy Li shares what we can do to navigate data governance and take action to better utilize and protect data.
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