Please note that applications for the second cohort of the Data Values Advocates program are closed now. 

From March to December 2024, the Data Values Advocates program will provide training, micro funding, mentorship and support to six individuals working at the grassroots and community levels who are interested in promoting and implementing the Data Values agenda. The program will provide the advocates with support to co-develop a project plan, and to implement the #DataValues Manifesto in their local contexts. They will also have the opportunity to lead and shape prominent communications, advocacy activities, and events, and to travel to a global conference as part of the Data Values movement.

The program is open to grassroots and community activists eager to learn about the opportunities and harms of data, with no technical experience working directly with data required. Instead, we seek individuals with a background in community engagement, mobilization, or activism and a genuine interest in creating a fairer data future for all. We especially encourage participation from those working with or from communities that face marginalization or are often underrepresented in global processes and policies.

Achievements of the first Data Values Advocates cohort 

As societies grapple with the transformative effects of data and data-driven technology, the need to challenge underlying power structures in data systems has never been more crucial. Community-led action is the key to creating data systems that empower rather than harm—and across the globe, grassroots activists and community leaders are recognizing the potential of data to bring about positive change.

In response to this urgent need, we launched the Data Values Advocates program in 2022. This program is a core part of the #DataValues Campaign, a global movement working to create a fairer data future and to ensure that those most affected by today's unequal data processes are at the forefront of shaping a more equitable world.

The impact of our first cohort of advocates highlights the transformative potential of community-led action. From facilitating workshops with community leaders and policymakers to conducting training sessions with women with disabilities, empowering them to advocate for their data rights, and engaging young people on AI and data privacy, the breadth of their work was astonishing. The advocates’ work not only created a tangible impact but also served as a catalyst, supporting others—particularly those from marginalized communities—to engage and advocate for more equitable data practices.

Beyond their projects, our advocates played a pivotal role in co-hosting sessions and speaking at prominent events, in person and virtually. These included global gatherings such as RightsCon 2023, World Data Forum, EuroDIG, Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum, Festival de Datos, and many more. By contextualizing the #DataValues Manifesto and amplifying its five principles within their communities and beyond, they became champions of the #DataValues Campaign. 

Our first cohort of advocates are now alumni of the program and will serve as mentors for the upcoming advocates, helping to build a sustained network of community champions.

Watch this short video to learn more about our inaugural advocates' incredible work and impact.

Take action and shape a fairer data future

Applications are welcome from individuals based anywhere in the world, and the selected advocates should be comfortable communicating in English to support coordination and collaboration. The program aims for inclusivity, offering a monthly stipend for advocates' time and efforts and accessibility support.

Please read the information pack before applying and complete a short online form. Applications close by midnight EST, January 15, 2024.

The cohort will be selected and finalized in February. An intersectional lens will be applied when selecting applicants to ensure diverse representation based on factors such as geography, disability status, age, and gender identity.

The Data Values Advocates program is coordinated by the Global Partnership and supported by Sightsavers and Omidyar Network. For any questions, feel free to reach out to Fatuma Faarah at

Explore the Data Values web hub and sign up for updates if you are passionate about joining the campaign and learning more.