About the initiative
AI and digital technologies are being applied to nearly every sector in development. They hold great potential to advance progress on development goals, whether through enabling education, health, disaster management, and poverty reduction services to reach marginalized communities in hard-to-reach areas, or powering innovative new systems and tools to address pressing development challenges.
But for the potential for AI as a powerful enabler in development to be realized, it must fall in line with the modern approach to development and lend itself as part of locally-led and inclusive development strategies. To cultivate a culture of inclusive AI will require a broadly based, multi-stakeholder, and multidisciplinary approach, rooted in the challenges of local contexts.
AI Dialogues Series
The Global Partnership is creating a space for our network to engage, learn, and debate the applications of AI in development. The collaborative efforts will foster new partnerships, facilitate South-South peer exchanges, and feed into the development of a co-created action agenda to guide institutions, the private sector, and our network, to advance locally-led and inclusive AI.
Learn more here