As a mission-driven nonprofit, Development Gateway (DG) works to ensure governments, organizations, and citizens can access, understand, and apply data to achieve sustainable development outcomes.
DG partners with 35+ governments and numerous development organizations to create tools, skills and processes for data-driven decision-making. DG has extensive in-house technology, data and training expertise, and also studies how to enable development data use. DG works across development sectors with special expertise in open government, citizen engagement and results-based management.
Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
To develop the right tools, training, and processes to support governments’ management and use of data to achieve the 2030 Agenda. Through new and existing partnerships with governments, international organizations, and civil society, we pledge to encourage data-driven decision-making at international, national, and local levels; tap country capacity to do so; and to include citizen voices in this process.