CBM Global Disability Inclusion has developed their 2024-2026 Inclusive Data Charter action plan to strengthen data collection, collect high-quality data on persons with disabilities, and advocate for more disability-inclusive data towards the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
CBM Global works alongside and is accountable to people with disabilities in the world’s poorest places. It draws on more than 115 years of experience to fight poverty and exclusion and transform lives.
CBM Global works with the most marginalized in society to:
- break the cycle of poverty and disability.
- treat and prevent conditions that lead to disability.
- build inclusive communities where everyone can enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential.
CBM Global joined the Inclusive Data Charter in May 2021. Their priorities as an IDC Champion are:
- Achieve good quality data that strengthens progress made, identifies where gaps persist, and ensures that data collected by governments on the barriers and enablers of persons with disabilities is done with the highest standards that protect dignity and privacy.
- Advocate toward inclusive disability data in partnership with Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) and other allies.
- Support inclusive data work in various areas, including in the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goal processes, humanitarian and disaster risk reduction settings, and data related to mental health and psychosocial disabilities.
We are very pleased to launch our Inclusive Data Charter action plan. There is an urgent need for disability data to understand the real situation of persons with disabilities, to identify gaps that are not addressed through policies, and to provide examples of success. Yet there remains a pervasive lack of disability data, and this has adverse consequences.
- David Bainbridge, Executive Director, CBM Global Disability Inclusion
Strengthening disability data is one of CBM Global’s advocacy priorities, undertaken in partnership with OPDs. It is also a priority for its internal organizational data systems.
In recent years, CBM Global has created a range of tools in collaboration with partners that can be used to increase disability data awareness. Disability data is a priority that OPDs partners continually highlight as key to their work in upholding the rights of persons with disabilities, and CBM Global’s IDC action plan provides a comprehensive framework to take this vital work forward.
Review the CBM Global IDC action plan here.
Hear insights from Elizabeth Lockwood, Representative at the United Nations working at CBM Global Disability Inclusion, about the impact of the Inclusive Data Charter in the video below.