On the sidelines of the 56th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission, this workshop by the Global Partnership, Colombia Diversa, Red Sin Violencia LGBTI, and DataLat will explore the importance of inclusive, practical methodologies to improve data on gender identity and sexual orientation, essential for tracking progress toward the SDGs. It will address the unique challenges faced by LGBTQI+ individuals, including stigma, discrimination, and legal barriers.
Through case studies, participants will learn how inclusive data can capture the realities of LGBTQI+ individuals, drive policy change, and improve service delivery. This session will also be a collaborative opportunity for stakeholders to share experiences and explore solutions to advance LGBTQI+ data practices.
The discussion will contribute to a key document on LGBTQI+ population data in SDG indicators.
Date: February 6, 2025 | Zoom
Time: 9am ET | 8am CDMX | 9am Bogotá | 10am Curazao | 11am Santiago CH
Key themes
- LGBTQI+ data collection methodologies
- Disaggregation for LGBTQI+ populations in SDGs
- Legal and human rights barriers
- Inclusive data practices and case studies
- Stakeholder engagement for data inclusion
Read the concept note here. For more information, kindly contact Karen Chavez Quintero at KChavez@data4sdgs.org.