Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) is an international team dedicated to humanitarian action and community-led development through participatory mapping, citizen-generated data, and technology.

HOT works to ensure map data is accessible and used in decisions that save and improve lives in countries at high risk of disaster, humanitarian crises, or experiencing multidimensional poverty, making sure communities are visible on the map in the way they choose and included in decisions that affect their lives.

Our solution combines the latest technology with a global volunteer base, mapping vulnerable communities and putting data into the hands of decision-makers. With this open-source, up-to-date, free, and digital public good, information will be readily available to make better and faster decisions. As a result, missing maps will no longer be a factor in human suffering or loss of life.

Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

HOT is committed to a world where maps and lack of data are no longer a barrier to improved lives in communities at high risk of disaster, humanitarian crises, or multidimensional poverty.

Maps and geodata help decision-makers to respond to disasters and better allocate resources to  the improvement of public health, water, sanitation and hygiene, early childhood development and education, infrastructure, and to better reach target communities.

HOT commits to providing training and generating data sets that will directly contribute to several of the SDGs, enable data-driven decision making and allow real-time monitoring and evaluation of SDG progress.