About the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
Our Team | Our Funding Partners | Frequently Asked Questions | Media Center | Vacancies and Opportunities | Our Impact
Read an introduction to our organization.
Learn more about our Five-Year Strategy: 2019-2023 and our Theory of Change Narrative.
Explore our guiding principles for building and implementing data partnerships (read the principles in French and Spanish).
Limitations in data production, quality, access, and use are holding back the fight to end extreme poverty, combat climate change, and ensure a healthy life for all. But change is coming — thanks to the data revolution, there is more knowledge available to humanity than ever before. By improving the production and use of data through collaboration, we are creating a critical part of the infrastructure for a better world. By focusing attention on where the need is greatest, we are ensuring that the world’s best expertise is brought to bear on the world’s worst problems, to transform people’s lives for the better.
The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data is working to create a world where good data is used to achieve just and sustainable societies. We do this by:
- Strengthening inclusive data ecosystems by working with governments to develop National Partnerships for Sustainable Development Data, driving data collaborations to achieve national priorities for change.
Forging collective action by driving global collaboration to improve the production and use of data in critical areas.
Communicating the value of investing in data and of multi-stakeholder collaborations on data.
Mobilizing stakeholders to develop global data principles and protocols for sharing and leveraging privately held data.
Bringing together multiple data communities at global and national level to spur innovation and collaboration.
Harmonizing data specifications and architectures, and helping ensure the interoperability of technology platforms for assembling, accessing, and using data.