The Youth Association for Development (YAD) is a youth-led, peace-building civil society initiative based in Balochistan, whose roots lie within a core of volunteers in different districts of Pakistan. YAD is a development organization working to bring long term change and sustainable development to Pakistani society.
The idea of a civil society organization evolved in 2002, when a group of like-minded people working in the social, political, human rights and development sector in Balochistan got together to discuss issues, such as humanism, peace, democracy, human rights, right to information, transparency, accountability, and other social issues in the province and country. The group concluded the need for an organization which could address the above mentioned holistically; promote the value of peace and basic human rights; address democratic and governance issues; conduct research and analysis; initiate dialogues among different segments of society; take steps toward a peaceful, tolerant, and democratic Balochistan.
Vision and Mission
YAD envisions a peaceful, equitable, tolerant, just ,and democratic world and aims to bring socio-economic development to rural and urban communities in Pakistan.
Program areas
- Youth activism
- Peace and human rights
- Access to quality education
- Democracy and governance
- Interfaith and social harmony
- Gender and social justice
- Right to information
- Transparency and social accountability
- Social mobilization
- Advocacy and research
- Awareness raising
- Networking and lobbying
- Enhancing social accountability
YAD is composed of a seven-member Board of Directors, whom are elected every three years by the organization’s general body. The Board is responsible for developing YAD's policy guidelines, while a strong professional team headed by the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for program implementation and is held accountable to the Board.
Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
To harness data to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Balochistan, Pakistan. More specifically, improve the use of data around citizen participation and accountability.