Ahead of the fifth United Nations World Data Forum (UNWDF), the Commit to Data campaign encouraged commitments that are actionable, impactful, and inclusive. Governments, the private sector, civil society, academia, and more joined the campaign, including several initiatives of the Global Partnership. 

Follow the links below to read the commitments. If you are attending WDF, learn more in the session on 15 November Catalyzing Commitments for Sustainable Development Data. 

The Inclusive Data Charter (with Sightsavers): Committing to strengthen the collection and use of disability- inclusive data through partnerships

The Data Values Program (with Unicef): Data Governance Fit for Children

The Collaborative on Administrative Data: Filling the knowledge gap in data governance and coordination through development of practical tools and guidance materials

The Collaborative on Citizen Data: Enhancing production and use of citizen data

Data for Now: Filling priority information needs through collaboration and innovation

The Global Partnership: Hosting a Global Data Festival with the Government of Kenya in May 2026

Join us in this global movement to transform data dialogue into actionable commitments that make a real difference. From local to global initiatives, every commitment counts towards creating a more inclusive and sustainable future.

Commit to data image with text and people working gathering tea leaves