Citizens' contribution to data, broadly defined as the engagement of citizens in multiple processes in the data value chain, from specifying needs to use of the data to inform policy, is increasingly recognized for its unique ability to help overcome many data challenges of our times and in contributing to the inclusiveness of official statistics.

When people—especially those who have been historically excluded from decision making—actively participate in decisions about data collection, design, analysis, and use, they gain greater access to the benefits of data. The official statistical community increasingly recognizes the importance of non-state actors in contributing to the inclusiveness of official statistics.

In connection with the 54th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission Friday Seminar on 'Towards a framework to harness data by citizens, for citizens and about citizens,' the event will provide an opportunity for more interactive and informal exchange on how citizens can contribute to data to inform policymaking at different levels of administration. This event will further inform the work of the global statistical community in moving towards a framework to harness data by citizens, for citizens and about citizens; and seek opportunities for collaboration with partners at the national, regional and international level; and from different data communities. 


  • Demonstrate why engaging citizens in data-across the data value chain-is important
  • Inspire the statistical community and build support for a framework to harness data by citizens
  • Seek collaboration opportunities