Administrative data collected by governments and service providers in their day-to-day business is an increasingly important source to produce official statistics. There is an urgent need to strengthen the capacity of national statistical systems to leverage the use of administrative data for statistical purposes, to fill gaps in the data available to policy and decision-makers to monitor progress and implement the 2030 Agenda.

The Collaborative on Administrative Data co-facilitated by UNSD and GPSDD was established in 2020 to respond to this challenge. The collaboration brings together stakeholders from countries and regional and international agencies and is a space for learning and sharing to strengthen the capacity of countries to produce and use administrative data sources for statistical purposes. Members of the Collaborative work together in a coherent and cross-cutting manner to address both urgent and longer-term needs, building on advances made in various sectors and by different partners. The Collaborative is open to new members who wish to engage in practical-level experience exchange and learning around the use of administrative data for statistics production.