Since 2015, the Global Partnership has worked through a multitude of partners and partnerships. We have 27 governments who are partnering with us to create impact in their countries and have brokered 70 strategic partnerships to support this work. We have grown to a network of 260+ partners globally. Learn about our collective impact:
(Full screen, horizontal view is recommended.)
Over five years, the Global Partnership has nurtured a strong and active network of partners from a variety of sectors to foster collaboration on data for sustainable development. We have 260 registered partners from 59 countries across 111 cities and our work is powered by 39 working groups, task teams, committees, and collaboratives, solving problems together. Learn about our partners below.
(Full screen, horizontal view is recommended.)
The strength of a network is in how they come together to exchange ideas and build capacity. Since 2015, the Global Partnership has delivered 150 convenings to initiate collaboration, catalyze innovation, and drive political change. Our team has delivered 150+ high-level meetings, events, webinars, and workshops, adapting to virtual formats due to COVID-19.
(Full screen, horizontal view is recommended.)
Why are events key to achieving our mission?
Bringing together people from across sectors, geographies, data communities, and contexts is at the core of our strategy to:
- initiate collaboration and collective action,
- catalyze innovations to meet development challenges, and
- drive political change to achieve better data, better decisions, better lives.
How has a COVID-19 world affected the way we conceive and deliver events?
The need to have the team grounded and deliver our work plan virtually has led to an array of lessons and discussions that will inform our event delivery moving forward. The current circumstances have inspired us to:
- think even harder about providing accessible venues based on participant location,
- provide a balanced mix of offline and online participation for all events, and
- increase the periodicity of our events.