Publish What You Fund is a not-for-profit organisation that campaigns for aid transparency – more and better information about aid.
We work to make timely information on aid and development flows and activities open by default, and to make sure it is shared and used. We believe that whether it is fighting poverty, famine or climate change: transparent aid is better aid.
The first global campaign of its kind, we were launched at the 2008 Accra High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness by a coalition of governance, aid effectiveness and access to information organisations.
Publish What You Fund is committed to transparency in our own work and operations. We publish our spending information to the International Aid Transparency Initiative and are open about our funding and governance arrangements, as detailed in our Transparency Policy.
We are based in London and maintain representation in Washington, D.C.
Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
Our commitment to the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data is that we will work towards making all development flows transparent by the end of 2018. We will monitor progress towards that goal using our Aid Transparency Index.
We will engage with donors, including financial institutions and providers of south-south cooperation, to improve the quality of their data; we will engage with the users of the data to make sure that it meets their needs; and we will engage with open data community to work towards joined-up data standards.