Open Data for Development (OD4D) is a global network of leaders in the Open Data community, working together to develop open data solutions around the world.

Open Data is enabling governments, businesses, and entrepreneurs around the world to catalyze a revolution in diverse sectors such as health, education, and agriculture. Open data – data that is available online and free to be used, reused and redistributed by anyone – is becoming an important catalyst for social and economic change. Data-driven innovations can help make governments more transparent and effective, create business opportunities, deliver billions in economic efficiency and help solve pressing social problems.

OD4D is hosted through the International Development Research Centre, and organizes work through the guidance of a Donors Committee and the consultation of a group of dedicated implementing partners who are experts in Open Data issues around the world.

The OD4D program currently has an active project portfolio worth CAD $8 million co-funded by the World BankGlobal Affairs Canada, and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), as well as the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) (though the INASSA program).

Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

OD4D network of implementing agencies is leading organizations that can support developing countries to develop and implement national data plans. The OD4D program is currently working with ODI, Web Foundation, OGP, UNDP, ECLAC, OAS and the World Bank in achieving our conservative target of 10 countries by UNGA 2016. Building on years of experience, this can be significantly scaled in a relatively short period.