The International Statistical Institute (ISI) is unmatched in its global reach among statisticians and those interested in the field of data and statistics. It also links and collaborates with many international and national organizations. The ISI and its seven associations have over 4,000 individual members from academia, business, education, other disciplines, many workplaces and official statistics.
Among its institutional and corporate members are many of the National and International Statistical Agencies, statistical departments of international organisations and central banks. Many national and regional statistical societies are affiliate members of the ISI, which has had consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1949.
Our flagship event is the biennial ISI World Statistics Congress (WSC), where several thousand participants from around the globe meet to exchange and explore new ideas, good practices and to network. ISI Outreach Networks, Regional Statistical Conferences (RSC) and the frequent and diverse Association conferences serve as a platform to promote statistics and the wide range of statistical interests across the world. Prestigious awards of ISI and its Associations recognize statistical achievements and accomplishments.
The ISI’s Declaration on Professional Ethics provides a framework for statistical professionals to make individual decisions, based on common values and experiences.
The ISI leads an active programme for Statistical Capacity Building, with workshops and seminars in the developing world. This programme is developed in cooperation with other partners such as World Bank and African Development Bank. ISI obtains and administers support for members from developing countries to attend an extensive variety of international conferences.
Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
To contribute to the development of the statistical capacity in all countries, and especially less developed countries, to meet the data demands for the SDGs. The ISI is well placed for building bridges between data producers and developers from different sectors in society, being from business, academia, and official statistics. We also strongly believe that the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics provide a framework for high quality and indisputable statistics which can be proven valuable in other sectors as well. We consider exchange of expertise and cooperation between data users, data producer groups, and data developers as a crucial element in the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and the ISI's activities contribute to this objective.