Grupo FARO is an Ecuadorian independent, plural, non-partisan and secular think-and-do tank that focuses on strengthening civil society, the State, and the private sector to participate actively in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies to achieve a more efficient, equitable, inclusive, and democratic society.

For more than ten years, Grupo FARO has been involved in research and advocacy related to education, health, extractive industries, climate change, sustainable development, and more, aiming to strengthen the State and contribute to improving people's lives in Ecuador.

Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

Grupo FARO is committed to contributing to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Ecuador.

This project entails a series of citizen observatories of the compliance of the SDGs and a capacity building program focused on local authorities in Ecuador. During the development of the project, various key actors related to the compliance of the SDGs will be contacted and involved in order to explore the main priorities at the local level and also to validate the implementation of the project. Moreover, the project aims to develop a series of indicators in five Ecuadorian local cities constructed depending on the priorities established in their development plans linked to the 17 SDGs (3-4 SDGs prioritized in each city through a collaborative process). These indicators will be used as a mechanism to measure the implementation of the SDG goals at the local level (5 citizen observatories) and the national level (one national observatory).