In 2014, the UN Secretary-General's Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development released a report, A World that Counts. The report highlighted a need for the creation of a partnership for sustainable development data and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data was founded in 2015. Since then, we have launched a variety of partnerships and initiatives to harness the power of data and technology for monitoring and achieving the SDGs.
In 2018-2020, the Secretariat invited experts from Itad to evaluate our organization's objectives, initiatives, and impact. The evaluation included contribution analysis and capacity assessment as well as a survey and interview of our network stakeholders. We are proud to share that the outcomes of this report are largely positive and serve to affirm our role in filling a gap in the development space and the impact of our efforts.
The evaluation not only provides us with positive affirmation, but also points us in directions for growth. Watch our CEO Claire Melamed and Senior Engagement Manager Alonso Ortiz Galán as they walk through the recommendations made by Itad and our plans to address them.