In 2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for a global effort to bring about a data revolution in sustainable development, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Today, while data for development remains high on the international agenda, concerns about the governance and power dynamics of digital, data-driven development projects are rising: from tech monopolization and vendor lock-in, highly exploitative business models, regulatory gaps, to geopolitics and unequal distribution of the benefits of the data revolution. Yet the connection between these issues and sustainable development remains vague, confusing and poorly understood by many working on the data revolution for sustainable development.

The Data Values Project aims to uncover and foster discussion on issues such as these and to shed light on serious data governance challenges and the links to sustainable development. 

This webinar, organized by DataReady as part of their engagement with the Data Values Project, aims to: 

  • Introduce the data for development community to work being undertaken by digital rights activists.
  • Draw links between current digital rights issues relating to data governance and power inequities in the context of the data revolution for sustainable development.
  • Foster discussion and learning between digital rights and data for development practitioners.

This ninety-minute moderated discussion provides an opportunity for digital rights activists to share their views on the governance and equity challenges faced by emerging economies. It is hoped that it will spark a dialogue between those working on digital rights issues and the data for development community.

Moderated by:

  • Tom Orrell, Managing Director, DataReady, UK


  • Gbenga Sesan, Paradigm Initiative, Nigeria
  • Dr. Linnet Taylor, Tilburg Law School, The Netherlands
  • Linda Raftree, Independent Consultant, USA 
  • Renata Avila, Lawyer and Activist, Guatemala