The Data Narratives for Climate and Health in Africa: Visualizing Impact for the Power of Data Learning Workshop is an in-person learning and showcase event taking place in Cape Town, South Africa. This event will focus on leveraging data visualization techniques to enhance understanding and drive impactful decision-making, especially in the climate and health sectors. The workshop will also highlight the progress made in the implementation of the Power of Data High Impact Initiative and explore ways it can strengthen partnerships across health, environment, and climate change domains.

OpenUp, the training provider for the Africa Climate and Health Data Capacity Accelerator Network (CAN), will lead capacity-building sessions on data visualization and storytelling for African data professionals.

The workshop aims to:

  • Introduce the Power of Data High Impact Initiative and demonstrate how it can foster partnerships across health, environment, and climate sectors.
  • Equip participants with data skills to interpret and utilize climate and health data effectively.
  • Promote data-driven decision-making by utilizing storytelling to inform policies in climate and health sectors.
  • Create a platform for knowledge exchange on best practices, tools, and methodologies in data visualization.
  • Strengthen collaboration among stakeholders to support ongoing data initiatives and foster partnerships across sectors.

The workshop will converge professionals and stakeholders working in data science, climate science, public health, policy-making, and statistics development from across Africa. Participants will gain valuable insights and practical skills to support sustainable development and public health improvement through data.