We’re just three months away from the Festival de Datos in beautiful Punta del Este, Uruguay. We couldn’t be more excited about this three-day Festival chock-full of engaging speakers, events, and meet-ups. And, even though we’re still firming up plans for sessions, this post gives you a hint about what you can expect from this year’s event. Keep reading to learn more. 

A session sneak-peek

The three-day Festival de Datos is a convening of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data’s broad network of partners from around the world. The Festival will include formal and informal networking events and a broad range of session types, from inspiring lightning talks to fishbowl sessions and hands-on training.

We received more than 300 applications to host sessions at the Festival. Final plans now include presenters from more than 40 countries representing six continents! And, we’re excited to announce that nearly all sessions will have simultaneous translation in English and Spanish! 

Here’s just a sample of what’s on the agenda so far: 

  • Peer exchanges on mapping, administrative data, gender rights, cities, climate and agriculture, and more.
  • A series of lightning talks organized by theme highlighting work being done to mobilize the Data Values agenda, innovations in accountable data governance, and the impact of timely data in Africa. 
  • Artistic data interpretations, performances, and data visualizations.
  • And much, much more!

Session hosts include international organizations like the United Nations Development Programme, which will offer training for policymakers on the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence, and the World Health Organization, which will lead a session on health data in a post-pandemic world. 

Foundations and international financial institutions are also among the hosts who’ve confirmed so far. For example, the Inter-American Development Bank will host a session explaining how to quantify the value of data for developing countries. 

Private sector companies like Amazon Web Services, youth-focused organizations like Restless Development, advocacy organizations like CIVICUS, and regional non-profits and development agencies like Code for Pakistan and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap are among the dozens of organizations slated to host sessions. Presenters from around the world covering a wide breadth of topics will ensure that the Festival includes opportunities to engage that are relevant to a global audience.

What to expect at the Festival de Datos

The team behind the Festival de Datos includes the Global Partnership and members of our network, our co-host the Government of Uruguay, a National Task Team of Uruguayan partners, and globally-representative Steering and Program Advisory groups. Members of the planning team aim to create a Festival experience that is thought-provoking, vibrant, empowering, practical, inclusive, and sustainable. All of this amounts to a huge planning effort behind the Festival with results guaranteed to exceed expectations. 

More than 500 people are already registered for the Festival and spots are filling up fast! Attendees represent the breadth of the Global Partnership’s network with representatives from international organizations, businesses, donor organizations, non-profits, media, academia, and more. 

Have you got your ticket yet? Don’t wait another minute! We can't wait to see you at the Festival de Datos in November!