Digital development faces barriers with policy, people, products, and pricing. To over come these barriers, DIAL’s approach is to:

  • Accelerate national digital transformation
  • Build global cooperation
  • Connect, support, and scale proven solutions

DIAL’s overall approach is governed by our commitment to put the Principles for Digital Development into practice, leave no one behind, and respect human rights.

Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

DIAL believes that digital transformation approaches must be grounded in the responsible use of digital and data solutions to achieve social impact.

DIAL’s monitoring, evaluation, and learning approach will continuously assess our progress in living the Principles for Digital Development. We combine practical research with evidence-based advocacy to advance digital inclusion to achieve the SDGs.

We identify barriers to the routine use of digital solutions and data by development actors (countries, NGOs, multilateral institutions); test ways to remove them; and package solutions for these actors to use in service delivery efforts.