DataReady helps you understand, manage and responsibly apply data for social good.
We exist to help the sustainable development and humanitarian sectors navigate the complexities of data governance. As a result we can better understand, apply, and track the value that data generates for society as a whole.
Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
DataReady operates at the intersection of digital and data policy, technological innovation and regulatory standards. We work with a range of entities from international networks and organisations, to governments, private sector service providers, and civil society groups.
We provide services across issues of data governance and management; facilitation of multi-stakeholder and inclusive decision-making processes; and, supporting development sector organisations to sustainably integrate data-driven innovations into their work.
We focus in particular on the production on detailed guidance around issues of data sharing, open data publication and interoperability; data protection, confidentiality and privacy; and, respect for human rights and ethical data governance.