The objective of this workshop is to learn the phases and processes that are carried out in the transport of data over the Internet using the https protocol.
The challenge consists of 3 stages, in the first stage the participants will be explained what happens when it is required to send or receive data over the Internet. In the second stage, it will be divided into 3 large groups of people: data, viruses and security, in this phase, only the identity of the participants classified as security will be known.
The main goal of participants classified as data (represented by people with a code) is to arrive virus-free, complete and orderly at the destination. On the other hand, viruses will have to find a way to infiltrate the data, characterizing the type of attack that was assigned, for example, phishing will try to replace the identity of a real data and it will be the responsibility of the guards to discern between the two and make way for it. to the correct one. The virus characters are: phishing (will try to impersonate real data), ransomware (will try to reach the destination and hijack the data so that the user does not have access), Ddos (will bombard you with questions, comments and whatever comes to mind). guards so that they are ineffective against other threats), malware (will infect any data so that it arrives corrupted or will give erroneous data to guards to “damage” them).
The guard characters are: certificate (it will arrive at the head of the data and will give the code to the guard to validate that it is correct), firewall (it will act as a barrier through which you can only pass if it is on the allowed list), handshaker (at the beginning of the trip you will be shared a key that you will only share with the guard at the end), destination guard (will receive the data upon arrival, separate the header, validate, sort it and send it back to the courier), courier ( will return to the source of the data to confirm that the data arrived complete), proxy (will be in charge of distributing the data traffic along the paths so that it arrives faster), origin guard (will be in charge of dividing the data into groups and sending it towards the proxy so that they can be redirected to the corresponding path, it will assign them a certificate and a handshaker).