Duration: 75 min
Location: Auditorio 4
Session type: Lightning talk

From open data to AI, official statistics to data for the SDGs, data governance plays a pivotal role in determining whether the ways that data are used results in positive social change or in harm and exploitation. 

In this lightning talk session, hear from a diverse group of speakers from around the globe about how they’re applying innovative, people-centric approaches to governing data to address urgent social problems.

Speaker organizations and their topics include: 

  1. UN OCHA: Humanitarian and environmental outlook for regional data governance
  2. Open Data Charter: Data for achieving the SDGs
  3. Centres for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) Brazil and Colombia (World Economic Forum): Fostering the transition to a Data-Driven economy for social and environmental development in Latin America
  4. GobLab Universidad: Integrating responsible data management into AI public procurement
  5. The Central University of Ecuador: Open data, data protection, artificial intelligence, ethics; synonyms or antonyms?
  6. Code for Pakistan / Foundation for Civic Tech: From playbooks to policies: A case study on KP Open Data Portal