The Institute for Global Sustainable Development is a recently established research initiative at the University of Warwick with the mission of being a hub for trans-disciplinary research on global sustainable development, i.e., research that crosses disciplinary borders and includes non-academic stakeholder communities to achieve effective sustainable development impact.

Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

The Institute for Global Sustainable Development has expertise on the science of sustainable development, with emphasis on the use of geospatial data and technologies to monitor and track Sustainable Development Goals. It develops innovative trans-disciplinary research methods to improve our understanding of socio-technical urban environments, particularly in the global South, with a view to produce transformations towards more resilient cities and to improving human development.

Its research is situated within an interdisciplinary problem space that intersects urban geography, data science, information management, and science and technology studies. IGSD's trans-disciplinary research approach draws on social research, geospatial data analysis, and computational methods alongside methodological innovations to enable co-production with non-academic stakeholders. It spans wide-range research topics that include citizen digital participation, urban analytics, smart cities, crowdsourced and volunteered geographic information, decision support systems, disaster management, urban resilience, and information technology for development.