Our network is a community of hundreds of organizations—across a range of sectors, data communities, issues, and regions—all interested in using data to tackle the world’s toughest challenges. 

Together we break down barriers and silos, meet collaborators, share learnings, and advocate for data-driven policymaking. Ultimately our goal is to work together to increase the visibility of data as the lifeblood of sustainable development. 

We do not ask our partners for commitments or pledges, and we do not offer a traditional membership. Instead, our network is a space for:

  • Information-sharing: discovering opportunities to participate in activities and events, including peer learning groups, training programs, and fundraising proposals.
  • Understanding the trends: understanding the actors and latest research and innovation in the data for development space.
  • Connecting and collaborating: pitching ideas, finding collaborators, asking for support, and amplifying your work to a community of 600+ organizations globally.
  • Sectoral leadership: receive invitations to join the Global Partnership’s Board and Technical Advisory Group.
  • Visibility: Amplifying the reach of your work through the Global Partnership’s networks and digital channels.

The strength of our network is in its diversity––we believe it is critical that the Global Partnership network showcases the array of realities faced by the organizations in the data for development space, connecting global, regional, and local debates and action. We actively invest time and effort in building a curated and active network of partners.

Read more about some of our closest collaborators below and get involved by dropping us a line at info@data4sdgs.org.

News in the network

Christian Aid's data-driven mission: Implementing their Inclusive Data Charter (IDC) Action Plan

Christian Aid's commitment to data-driven decision-making and advocacy has been a cornerstone of its operations since becoming an IDC champion in 2019. 

Central to their ethos is the belief that data can drive positive change proactively and responsibly by effectively targeting root causes and informing strategic decisions.

At the heart of Christian Aid's data strategy is the systematic collection of Sex, Age, and Disability Disaggregated (SADD) data. This approach ensures that their programs are inclusive, responsive, and accountable to the diverse needs of the communities they serve.

Building upon this foundation, Christian Aid is implementing its Inclusive Data Charter (IDC) Action Plan, which was updated at the end of 2023. This comprehensive plan outlines specific goals aimed at enhancing the organization's capacity for inclusive data collection, responsible data management, advocacy, and project design:

Their IDC action plan goals are:

  1. Provide practical support to country teams and partners with inclusive data collection.

  2. Increase the capacity of country teams and partners in responsible data management.

  3. Advocacy and policy are evidenced by inclusive data.

  4. Incorporate the principles of the IDC, making them evident in project design and inception.

Learn more about Christian Aid's IDC action plan here.


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