On Think Tanks (OTT) is a global platform dedicated to the study and support of policy research centres.

OTT Initiatives are programmes or projects that combine research and practice to strengthen think tanks and their supporters. They include local level, national, and international efforts often involving think tanks themselves as key partners.

In the last few years we have launched the OTT School, the OTT Data Visualisation CompetitionOTT TV, a Latin American Evidence Week (which we hope to replicate in other regions), a think tank awards for Peru (which we hope to take to other countries), the OTT Exchange, the Open Think Tanks Directory, and the OTT Working Paper Series. We also founded Politics&Ideas and continue to support efforts such as Transparify

Our content is centred around five main themes: governance and management, research, communications and impact, funding and supporting think tanks, and understanding think tanks.

Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

Help develop new capacities among researchers to use and communicate data. It matters because much of the data needed for decision making exists yet is not communicates properly.